"No crab dip but I brought Digorno's!" Celebrating the 23rd Anniversary of Jim McMahon's triumph in Super Bowl XX at Paul Brower's Super Bowl Party.
Flu Recovery Who was that guy in the blue and white face last weekend attacking Scotland? New rule: Watch out for whatever it is you are about to watch on TV before passing out from taking a dosage of Nyquil. On my way to Ottawa this weekend... rumors of my nephew Thomas "counting his sleeps" before his "Nana and Papa" and "Uncle Joel" arrive. Seeing Thomas and Samuel... just what the doctor ordered!
Connecticut Visit I had a great visit to see my ol' CMU buddy Kevin Butler, his wife Mare, and his adorable son, Drew. Our routine on "Goalie coaches" was even better than our routine on the "squeegy ball kid who wore Kodiak boots playing street hockey." Things that don't make the blog...
Publication Big news... I am quite excited and to be honest the real reason for submitting a blog entry today (okay so the Super Bowl picture may not be my best side). Coming on April 2nd in "Athletic Management" magazine. Coach Joel, Uncle Joel, Dr. Joel, adds "Author Joel" to his new title. A couple of more edits... liking the way it reads, already!