Bedroom Renovation ("Before" and "After")
First I should show my weekend fun. You painted it green? Target frames made my room look super nice. I recently got my "Santa Fe Opera 2007" poster framed with a white frame so I kept it consistent. Room looks brighter in the day but the best part is the paint color actually makes for a darker room at night. I love to sleep!
Another Trip to Lowell
I watched the rookie come veteran Mark Flood play in Lowell on Saturday night with his parents, Allen and Virginia, watching. Mark went +2 and picked an apple. Albany won in a shootout 3-2. A great night!
My transcripts arrived the same day I got a phone call to tell my degree was framed. It's officially official now.
So the tradition of having the same number of drinks during the week leading up to the birthday will probably NOT be continued. However, with my reimbursement check arriving on the weekend, I was able to purchase a TV now. Cable arrives tomorrow. IKEA visit on the following weekend. It's been a looong semester and I look forward to Thankgiving... yes, the turkey is ordered!