Well, life moves tremendously fast when you are having fun. My apologies to the fans of the blog (all three of you might be quite upset!). First, I should describe the pictures above. First, I needed a way out(!), at least for a night, from annoying fantasy football/fireworks drunk-talk waking me up at 2 AM so I went to Cape Cod (that's a picture of Ted Kennedy's house from a harbor cruise) for the weekend of Canadian Thanksgiving... a great time which ended with a trip back in Woo-stah to the Boston Market for a 5 oz. serving of turkey. Second, is the picture of the cover of the book, "Counterfeit Amateurs". In a year of many milestones, I have a new one: "my first acknowledgement in a academic type book". Very proud to be mentioned by Dr. Allen Sack. Thirdly, me with my Red Sox jacket on the day after they prolonged the series with an amazing 8-7 dramatic win. While I did sing "Sweet Caroline" twice on Saturday, it wasn't to be.
Nichols Colllege Women Tennis ended their season 10 and 6 going down in the TCCC (I just said "the" twice in the row in that sentence on purpose) quarter-finals with a tough 5-4 loss. Coach Joel learned a lot this season about tennis and about working with women at the Division III level. It was a great experience, overall. If I only had time to use the movie tickets I was given to from the great players I got to watch play this year in thanks for my efforts. On that note... I certainly will miss Paul Newman as I definitely missed him this year on the bus trips. Can you believe "Slap Shot" was replaced by "Maid of Honor" as the movie we watched on bus trips?
I presented my dissertation research EXACTLY 5 months to the day of my defense to the faculty, athletic staff, and the overall campus community recently. It was one of my more enjoyable presentations. I hope I did not imply anything negative in that last sentence. I am also looking forward to going to Denver in November to present at the Sport Sociology conference.
Moving closer to campus... pictures to follow!
From the extra class to teach, Sport Management Club working at Gillette, and some professional duties added, it has been a busy time in my life. Will try to be in touch more often!