1. Dr. Cormier on his first day of teaching with a Ph.D.
2. and 3 "Before" and "After" of my apartment paint job.
News and Notes...
"The Return of Coach Joel"
What can I tell you? Those 5 AM practices, the trips to the NCAA coaches convention, all those coaching clinics, the years of sacrifice of taking jobs with less pay so I could pursue life at Notre Dame and coach hockey. I finally made it to the NCAA... as an assistant tennis coach. We are three and oh. Big match on Tuesday.
"Classes Begin"
I have an extra class this year but that also means extra money. I have a new class on college athletics. I am in my office this morning finishing off the course pack.
"The last Lecture"
As somebody who strongly identifies himself as an educator, I would be remised if I didn't mention watching the late Randy Pausch's "The Last Lecture" on youtube recently. It was by far the most inspiring thing I have watched or have seen in a long time. His lecture on "time management" was fantastic as well. Strong recommendation for anybody who has not seen it to check it out.
Sorry I have been off for awhile. Thank you for everybody who reminded me of my speech about a month ago during the "Joel Gott Ph.D." celebrations and the message I shall continue to live by.
Happy September!