Last week, the highly anticipated event that became a memory was golfing at the Charlottetown Boys and Girls Club charity event. My pre-golf picture from the night before (What? No smile?!) showed a determination I have never seen. Anyhow, several drinks later, I was smiling and enjoyed a great day golfing with Stanley Cup Champion Detroit Red Wings' Assistant Coach Paul MacLean. Paul and I were able to share some of our favorite O'Malley-isms as he once roomed with my Notre Dame mentor at the 1980 Olympics.
Today the anticipation that hopefully doesn't fly too fast is the arrival of my brother Craig, his wife Susan, and my nephews Thomas and Samuel. They are around for this week long enough for the big event of the summer: "Joel Gott Ph.D... The Party". I have been RSVP'ed for close to 30 people now. Looking forward to a big week.