Fresh from Dr. Nathan Martin's visit, tired but quite pleased to say it was not a bad time hitting Providence, Worcester, Boston, and New York- four nights in a row. Pictures are from Worcester where we were going to incorporate a pinky theme in all of our pictures for the weekend (it didn't seem to catch on... thank goodness for that!) Before hitting the Sam Adams Brewery tour, we let a speech pathologist from Western Michigan take our picture in front of Sam Adams himself. We then hit New York City reuniting with Dr. Major Mark Clifford while staying at the New York Athletic Club. What a city. Nuff said!
I taught for two days... and now it's Thanksgiving Break! Birthdays have been a bit of a "gong show" over the last few years. This week my parents arrive on Thursday for Thanksgiving. I picked up the turkey that was pre-ordered along with plenty of wine this afternoon. I have the PPV ordered for England's football match against Croatia tomorrow. Pictures from Birthday Week to come later...