Top 5 moments in order of photos...
1. “Manchester United beats Chelsea”. Cinco de Mayo Thursday makes for an extended weekend, texts from the graduation ceremony from the class of 2011 back in Massachusetts on Saturday followed by the greatest day of my life: United wins the league, I do brunch, have an afternoon nap, have a great dinner, and inspired by Ryan Giggs, have another great night out with karaoke until 3 AM (photo of my Nevada Smith’s lads).
2. Birthday week. It was a typical week but that’s what made it so great. East Village living just seemed extra special those three days but highlighted with a great Thanksgiving day.
3. Fall 2011 Class two offering… I was on PEI but it involved New York. Singing “New York State of Mind”, Sinatra’s “New York, New York” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqlJl1LfDP4) and “One Day Like This” until 2 AM.
4. Family visit(s). My late grandfather once said if he made a million dollars, he was going to New York. Meeting my parents at Grand Central on their way back from Florida and having dinner with my brother and father at Les Halles. Watching the Canadiens with the tickets bought my former students.
5. New York Public Library moments… researching and writing an article for the Encyclopedia of Sports management and Sports Marketing, having lunch on outside terrace one day, and skating at the Bryant pond. The fact that I taught across the street from the NYPL is still mind boggling to me. Like a dream.
Honorable (too many to) mention. “Class nights”- I love what I do and absolutely think NYU brought back my love of teaching after a challenging final chapter in Massachusetts, reuniting with my childhood girlfriend Katherine, Brooklyn nights and mornings with Stevo, playoff games at the Blue Moon, great dinners at the Post House with Bob, wine nights at Uncorked, Winebar, and Von wine bar ($4 happy hour), Sunday NFL football at 13th Step, Trader Joe’s budget, poutine at Pommes Frites, Halal Cart on 53rd and 6th, “Hope and Beauty” moments in May, NYSC workouts, Grande Skinny Caramel Mocs at Starbucks, people watching and coffee at Think on the corner of Bowery and Bleeker, 2A nights, amazing brunches at Cinema CafĂ© and Black Swan, meeting the actual practitioners of professional sports, lobster paella at El Paso, ball hockey games and post-game parties at Tompkins Square, Rooney’s bicycle kick, Molded Image’s win, meeting the NY Knicks dancers, West Village dates, Central Park walks, and finding peace with the UES...