Pictures... May 15, 2009: Anniversary of Defense- enjoying J. Lohr (post-celebratory wine one year earlier) pictured with the guy who settled me down on that famous morning, and the person kept in perspective in the afternoon while on the phone with him consuming some of that J. Lohr, Thomas enjoying Nana's cooking, the 3rd Annual Cormier Rib Contest (HGTV's Neely's Cola Rib sauce was my entry), and my second to last morning (penultimate?) with Samuel... I was even more tired than he was.
I didn't take any pictures but had a great time in Montreal for Paul Brower's bachelor party. I would have liked to got a picture from Hurley's from my reunion with John Flood. Beautiful day in a beautiful city with a great guy. We made it back in 6 hours yesterday... motivation to go see the Habs next year... if they ever get out of the bars for me to actually see them at the rink!
Memorial day... Off to the NASSM Conference to present part of my dissertation. Going to have a BBQ this afternoon.